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Parents: Check for scholarships at your place of employment, unions, banks/credit unions, professional/club/membership affiliations, places of worship, Greek life affiliations, etc.

Merit-Based College Scholarships:  Most colleges automatically consider applicants for merit-based scholarships when students apply. Many students receive merit-based scholarships. No special scholarship application is required, but to be considered for a merit-based scholarship, it is very important to check with the individual college for specific dates, deadlines, and requirements.  Some early college application deadlines are in November or December. 

College Specific Scholarships:  Most colleges offer additional scholarships such as presidential scholarships, dean's scholarships, major-related scholarships, audition-based scholarships, diversity scholarships, first-in college scholarships, etc.  These scholarships usually require an application and possibly letters of recommendation and/or an essay. Be sure to check each college that interests you to see what scholarship opportunities are available and what the deadlines are.  You are encouraged to apply to as many as you can.

Scholarship List:  See below for a list of scholarships that come through the Counseling office and are managed by the College/Career Coordinator, Mrs. LaShanda McCadney.  Applications are usually available online and sometimes as printable PDFs.  For printable applications, please see Mrs. LaShanda McCadney if you need help with a paper copy.

Scholarships List


American Indian Graduate Center Scholarships: Offers merit- and need-based scholarships to qualified American Indian and Alaska Native students.

Architectural Scholarships: AIA Rochester Chapter is accepting applications from seniors that have been accepted and submitted a deposit to an architectural program for attendance in the Fall 2024 academic semester. Preference may be given to students enrolled in a degree program accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board, Visit the website to download the application: 2024 AIA Rochester High School Scholarship Application  Applications must be postmarked no later than April 12, 2024.

Barb Shapiro Scholarship: The purpose of this scholarship is to encourage highly qualified applicants to enter the teaching profession. PDTA will give a $1,500 scholarship to one senior at each high school who best meets the criteria. Complete and submit the application with a copy of your transcript by Friday, April 19, 2024. See Mrs. McCadney in the Counseling office for an application.

Calvin Coolidge Scholarship: Full ride, four-year merit scholarship that can be used at any accredited college or university in the United States. Any high school junior who plans to enroll in college in the fall of 2026 and is an American citizen or legal permanent resident is eligible to apply. Online applications are available at, submissions deadline is 5:00PM pacific time, Wednesday, December 11, 2024.

College Board Opportunity Scholarships.  Complete six college planning steps for six separate opportunities at $500. When all six steps are finished, students are entered into a drawing for a $40,000 scholarship.  Money can still be earned even if all steps are not completed. For more information, go to:

Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR): The expected amount this year is $1000. A student must be a US citizen, be a senior or graduate of an accredited Monroe County, NY school. The applicant must prepare a statement of 1,000 words or fewer expressing his/her sense of patriotism, career objectives, specifying how college plans relate to future professional goals, and reasons for these choices. Deadline for submission is March 1st. See Mrs. McCadney in the Counseling office for an application.

EduMed Scholarships & Resources for African American Students: Links to 20 scholarships and other valuable resources helping students achieve rewarding college educations and successful careers.

Eisenhower College Alumni Association: ECAA Scholarship Program is open to high school seniors who plan to continue their studies in a liberal arts program at either a two-or- four-year college. ECAA is offering a one-time scholarship award of up to $5000 to be used towards tuition and related expenses at the recipient's college of choice. Complete the application and essay at ECAA Scholarship Program Details – Eisenhower College Community Application deadline is June 1, 2024.

Entrada Scholars: Entrada is a selective program designed for ethnic and racial minority students who are currently enrolled as a high school junior or senior and have a 3.0 GPA or higher. A written application is required and available online at Named Scholarships Financial Aid | Calvin University Students who complete the program are awarded a $4,000 Entrada Scholarship for each undergraduate year they attend Calvin.

ESL: This scholarship in the amount of $2000 is awarded to a high school senior attending an accredited college or university in the Fall of 2025. Eligibility requires the student to be a member in good standing at ESL Federal Credit Union at time of application and time of award. The application can be downloaded at or see Mrs. McCadney in counseling. Application deadline is March 7, 2025.

FAME: There are two different Mendon FAME Scholarships. The first will be offered to graduating seniors who have been involved in the Mendon HS music program (Band, Orchestra, or Chorus) for a minimum of 3 years and who will be majoring or minoring in a music program in college. The second scholarship will be for a Mendon HS graduating senior who participated in Mendon's music program for a minimum of 3 years and recognizes the impact the MHS music program and teachers had on their lives, but is NOT continuing their music journey in college. Mendon FAME scholarship applications are available in the music department office or FAME Application   All complete applications must be emailed to no later than 3pm April 26th,2024. Please type SCHOLARSHIP in the subject line. 

FASNY: A high school senior will be the recipient of the Gerard J. Buckenmeyer Memorial FASNY Volunteer Scholarship. The scholarship is in the amount of $1,500 to assist a young firefighter to continue their post-secondary education. Visit Gerard J. Buckenmeyer Memorial FASNY Volunteer Scholarship Application | FASNY to apply. Deadline for submission is March 15, 2024.

Federal Scholarships: website for eligibility, deadlines and requirements can be found at 

Global Scholarships: This scholarship opportunity is tailored for international students planning to pursue their studies outside their home country. Visit Global Scholarships - Search Scholarships for International Students to apply for the $1000 scholarship. The application deadline is May 31, 2024.

Hagan Scholarship Foundation: All students attending public high schools can apply. The scholarship provides up to $7,500 each semester for up to 8 consecutive semesters, providing recipients with the opportunity to graduate college debt-free. Complete the application at Description – Hagan Scholarship Foundation The deadline is March 1,2025.

Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) Rochester Chapter: This scholarship is awarded by the Hearing Loss Association of America, Rochester Chapter, in the amount of $1,000 to be awarded to Greater Rochester area high school seniors with hearing loss who are pursing post-secondary education or vocational training. Recipients must have applied to enter their first year post-secondary education or vocational training and be between the ages of 17 and 20. To apply for the scholarship, complete all seven sections of the application form that has to be  must be submitted by April 12, 2024. Website for application


Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans, Inc.: Full-time high school junior progressing normally toward graduation in Spring/Summer 2025 with plans to enter college no later than the fall following graduation. Exhibit a strong commitment to pursue and complete a bachelor's degree at an accredited non-profit public or private institution. The students may start their studies at a two-year institution and then transfer to a four-year institution. The student must demonstrate critical financial need. Must be involved with co-curricular and community service activities. Maintain a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0. An online application: Horatio Alger - Promoting & Ensuring the American Dream for Future Generations has to be completed by March 15, 2025.

Italian Civic League: High school seniors graduating from a Monroe County public, private, parochial or certified home school, or related to a lodge member if living in another county. Student must be of Italian descent (at least one grandparent must be of Italian heritage). Student must commence study at an accredited educational institution to continue learning in the fall following their high school graduation. Applications are available in the counseling office or online at Application deadline is March 31, 2025.

Korean Community Services of Metropolitan New York INC: High School Seniors of Korean heritage are offered scholarship opportunities through Dr. Lee Hoon scholarship. Three seniors that have demonstrated academic excellence and leadership in their communities can receive $5000 each in a scholarship award when they are entering into a four-year college or university in fall 2024. An online application to has to be completed by May 24, 2024.

Len Szumiloski Scholarship (Family First Credit Union): Three high school seniors will be awarded $1000 each toward their college expenses. Qualifying students must be (or become) members of Family First Federal Credit Union and graduate from high school planning to attend an accredited college, university, or trade school in the 2024-25 school year. An online application,  has to be postmarked (if mailed) by March 13, 2024, completed by Friday, March 15, 2024, received in the local branch.

Monroe County School Food Service Association: Offering a $500 scholarship for graduating seniors who will continue their education in the fields of Culinary Arts, Food Service Management, Nutrition, Dietetics or related studies. See Mrs. McCadney in the Counseling office for an application. The application deadline is March 22, 2024. 

Monroe Professional Engineers Society: For seniors who are attending college next fall at an ABET accredited engineering program. A copy of the application can be found on The one-time scholarship award amount is $2,000. All applicants will be evaluated, and that worthy of further evaluation will be contacted by January. Deadline for submission is December 21, 2024. 

New York State Excelsior Scholarship: Tuition-free degree program. In order to apply, students must:

  • Attend a SUNY or CUNY two- or four-year degree program
  • Plan to live and work in New York following graduation for the length of time they participate in the scholarship program
  • Adjusted gross family income of $125,000 or less

For more information, please visit:

New York State Education Department Scholarships for Academic Excellence (SAE): The Scholarships for Academic Excellence (SAE) provide a scholarship to attend an institution of higher education located in New York State for the top high school students, based on specific grading criteria through the end of a student’s junior year.  Students cannot apply directly for the scholarship but will be contacted by their school administration to obtain the required information for the nomination form.  For more information, please see:

New York State STEM Incentive Program: Provides a full SUNY tuition scholarship to the top 10% of students in each NYS high school if they pursue a STEM degree and agree to live in NYS and work in a STEM field for five years after graduation. Rules and information can be found at:

New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP): This program helps NY residents pay for tuition with a grant.  There are specific income requirements.  For more information, please visit:

OppU Achievers Scholarship: $2500 Scholarship awarded four times a year to Seniors with a minimum GPA of 3.0. To apply, students submit a short essay online.  Scholarship decisions are based solely on an applicant’s essay response.  Winners for the OppU Achievers Scholarship are selected four times a year, with submission deadlines on September 30, December 31, March 31, and June 30.  High school applicants should apply during their final semester of high school.  For more information and an application, go to

Polish Heritage Society of Rochester: $4000 Scholarship Award: To be eligible for this scholarship a student must be a senior who is of Polish descent (at least one parent) and lives in Monroe County or one of the surrounding six counties. The student must file an application by the February 1st deadline. The student is required to have an official copy of his/her academic transcripts mailed or emailed to the Polish Heritage Society of Rochester by their High School. Visit the website


Skincare Ox – The Beauty + Wellness Scholarship for Women: Each quarter $1000 + a care package filled with healthy, organic goodies for young women who are striving to maintain their health and wellness as they pursue their higher education goals. Must be a HS senior, a female and a U.S. Citizen/Permanent Resident. All majors and GPAs may apply. Deadlines are January 1, March 31, June 30 and September 30 every year. All applicants must submit a 500 word maximum essay on the essay prompt found online  Student essays will be judged on their originality, creativity, and dedication to healthy lifestyle choices.

Sister Angelica Cummings Art Scholarship Competition: Offered open to high school seniors. The competition is based on 8-12 digital images of the students' high school work. Images should be .jpg format, 150 dpi, no larger than 1024 pixels in the longest direction, and delivered via A cross-section of art forms is suggested. Award winners must have completed the scholarship application as an art major at Mercyhurst University. Awards several scholarships for talented artists wanting to major in one of the five art offerings at Mercyhurst University. Entry deadline is January 31, 2024.

Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF): The SIF has offered 10 to 12 merit-based scholarships (National Leadership Grants), ranging from $4000 to $25000. Each scholarship has its own specific requirements, which can be found at Deadline for submission is March 31, 2025.

Student Insights Scholarship Program: Scholarship offered to high school seniors who plan to attend a four-year college, community/junior college or career school. Apply at . Please check the website for eligibility. Deadline for applications is April 23, 2024.

Summit Federal Credit Union: New for the 2025-2026 academic year, The Summit announces that they will be awarding two additional scholarships annually to students pursuing further education at trade schools, technical institutes, or technical certification programs. Applicants for all 2025 scholarships must either be a current member of The Summit or join The Summit as a primary account holder. The deadline for applications is February 28, 2025. Information on further criteria and the application process can be found on The Summit’s website: 

UCB Family Epilepsy: UCB will reward 33 one-time scholarships for people living with epilepsy or family members or caregivers who demonstrate academic and personal achievement. Visit to find more information and apply. Deadline for submission is March 15, 2024.

UNCF (United Negro College Fund): The UNCF is the nation’s largest and most effective provider of minority scholarship assistance.  Visit the UNCF website and select “Scholarships” to begin the process to determine for what scholarship(s) you might be eligible.  For questions, call 202-810-0300 or text “FUNDS” to 50555.

WNY R-AHEC Health Career Scholarship: Western NY Rural Area Health Education Center will be awarding scholarships of $1000 each to high school seniors entering an approved healthcare related degree or certificate program at a local university or community college within New York State. Use this link to apply