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MHS Central Treasurer

Club Treasurer Forms

Student Treasurers and Faculty Advisors ~ Forms you will need to complete during the year.

Faculty Advisor and Student Treasurer Training Materials

Training Handbook Appendices

Start a New Club

If you have an idea for a new club fill out the form below and return to Ms. Julian



Fundraising Forms

All fundraisers need approval by Ms. Julian and the Board of Education. Forms take 2 weeks to process.



  • Clubs must vote on all expenses and donations. 
  • Keep your minutes on file in your club binder.   



If you are selling items, you need to keep track of your orders and any remaining inventory. 


Bank Ledger

It is the student treasurer's responsibility to keep their own ledger and compare it with the general ledger provided each month.


Profit and Loss

Each fundraiser will need a profit and loss statement to be completed by the student treasurer.

profit and loss

Reference Material For Clubs