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Back to School Information

MHS Back to School Information 2024- 2025

Below is some important information for Vikings and families regarding the upcoming school year.

9th Grade Orientation - Our Freshmen Orientation will be on Tuesday, August 27th, from 8:00 am-12:00 pm. Incoming 9th grade students should be dropped off at Door #3. This is a student-only event. Our newest Vikings will participate in both large and small group activities, working with our 11th and 12th grade student Link Crew leaders during the morning. This peer support then continues throughout the year. They will also receive a paper copy of their schedule for the fall.  

9th Grade and New Student Parent/Guardian Orientation - Our 9th grade and new student parents and guardians are invited to join the Mendon High School Administrative team for an overview of high school on Tuesday, August 27th, from 8:00 am - 9:00 am in the Mendon High School Auditorium.  We look forward to meeting you.

New Student Orientation for Grades 10-12 - We invite any new Mendon Student to join members of our Link Crew on Tuesday, August 27th, from 12:30pm to 2:00 pm to participate in small group activities, take a building tour, and learn about various technology platforms you will use throughout the year. If you plan to attend, please RSVP at 585-267-1602. 

MHS Lunch Dismissal Required Meeting - 11th and 12th graders who wish to obtain permission to leave campus during their lunch period must attend one of the “MHS Lunch Dismissal” meetings listed on the district calendar. The first one will be on Tuesday, August 27th, from 6:00 pm - 7:00pm in the MHS Auditorium. The second presentation will occur on Thursday, Sept. 5th at 7:00 pm in the MHS Auditorium.  

Open House – Our Open House this year is on Thursday, September 12th at 6:30 pm.  More information about Open House will be shared after the start of the year.

Attendance Information - Please refer to our Attendance page on the website for information.

Schedule – The 9 class periods a day are 40 minutes each with a 4 minute passing time. Lunch periods are 40 minutes. You can find the daily schedule here: MHS Daily Schedule. Vikings will access their individual schedule of classes closer to the start of the school year through the Infinite Campus Portal.  

6-Day Schedule - On your schedule, you will see letter days of A-F rather than days of the week. The first day of school will be an A Day and you should follow your schedule accordingly. The second day of school will be a B Day and so forth throughout the year. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to your counselor.   

Morning Arrival Procedures - School doors open at 7:00 a.m. on school days. To ensure proper supervision, no student will be able to enter the school until 7:00 a.m. No one will be able to park in the front of the building to allow for student drop off and pick up. The ramp door will be accessible for students to enter from Thornell Farm Park and bus drop off.  Students parking in the stadium lot will have to enter through the main entrance when arriving to school. Students who arrive on campus after 7:40 a.m. during the school day will only be able to enter the school through the front door at the Main Office. For everyone's safety, students should never knock on any door or window to be let into the school through any other entrance at any time during the school day. If this is done, it will result in a Saturday Detention.  

Homeroom/2nd period - A student's "homeroom" is attached to their second period class which is extended for 9 minutes to allow for morning announcements.

Lockers & Backpacks – Students will be issued a locker at the beginning of the year. Locker information will be on their schedule. As always, students can carry backpacks with them throughout the day.

Lunch periods - All of our regular food options will be available for our students. Students will need to pre-order wraps in the morning if that is what they want for lunch.  If you want to learn more about setting up the lunch account, you can visit the Pittsford Payment Center.

PE class/locker rooms - Changing for PE class remains optional, but students are expected to be dressed appropriately for physical activity, potentially going outside, etc. Arrangements will be made on special occasions (i.e. presenting in another class, picture day, etc.) to accommodate those that need to change.

After School Procedures - All students are expected to return home immediately after school on their regular bus run at 2:25 pm. Students who stay after 2:25 pm should be working with a staff member or receiving academic assistance or meeting with a club.  For those staying for sports or taking the RTS bus home, they should be in the Commons in the quiet study hall. 

Cell Phone Use - Student cell phones should be off and away during instructional periods unless otherwise directed by the teacher for instructional purposes. Vikings will be able to use their cell phones during lunch, free period and between periods. As a result of this change last year, we have seen a decrease in off task or distracting behavior during classes. We appreciate our families’ support with this. Students who violate this expectation will receive a consequence. 

Infinite Campus Access for Families – Family members will be able to monitor student progress through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. All returning PCSD parents should already have access. Any parent or guardian who needs to set up access to the Infinite Campus Portal, should reach out to our school registrar by calling 585-267-1627.

PTSA – Our PTSA remains a wonderful partner and support for our students, teachers and programs. Our first PTSA Meeting will be Thursday, September 19th at from 8:30 am - 9:30 am.  All are welcome! Please consider joining the PTSA. More information can be found on their webpage

Please be sure to follow them at:  

Facebook: Pittsford District PTSA - Mendon High School  

IG: pittsforddistrictptsamendonhs


Teachers and other staff members have been planning ways to support students as they transition into the new school year.  Students’ physical and emotional well-being is at the forefront of our work.  Please contact your counselor or administrator if you have any questions or concerns.